Armorers • Weapons Handlers • Weapons Specialists • Technical Advisors
Bring the Action with Blue8!
We specialize in providing the best weaponry and technical support in the industry. Contact us when you need blank-firing prop guns (and blanks) of all types and periods or rubbers and non-firing replica guns.
We carry all types of prop guns from flintlocks to AK-47s, in both blank-firing/blank-adapted versions and in non-firing replica form. All are available for rental for motion picture and television work and military contracts. We also have rubber versions of our blank-firing/blank-adapted prop guns. Note: All blank-firing prop guns MUST be accompanied by a licensed armorer. Contact us below for a full list of available weapons for your project.
Find an Armorer now
Don't wait until the last minute. Contact us now for your free consultation from one of our trained Armorers.
Contact us for a full list of available weapons. Photos and descriptions represent a small portion of available weapons.
We do not sell firearms or weapons of any kind.
Everything shown on our site is for rental for motion picture and television work ONLY.
We are NOT a prop house and we are NOT open to the public. Please submit a request to make arrangements to rent our prop weapons. Pick up and drop off of rental packages are done by appointment only.